PSA-FS Historic 1718 (was mine, then Bowl Playing Boy... Now You)
Old Man Arthur
Posted 2009-05-02 1:26 AM (#292466)
Subject: PSA-FS Historic 1718 (was mine, then Bowl Playing Boy... Now You)

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
He had mentioned this earlier, but it is on evilBay now... Here!

This one has some finger-divots in the fretboard from a Bluegrass player with long fingernails.
It also has the standard Ovation finish crack below the bridge.
But this was a great guitar when I had it. It was a bargain when I sold it... Even more so now!
This is a great deal on a great guitar. It ain't new, but where are you gonna find one this cheap?

[I couldn't get the photos from eBarf to load over here... so these are my old photos.]

You can see this finish crack in that last pic...

This is the deal of the week for y'all :eek: ... Help a brother out and buy this! :cool:
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Old Man Arthur
Posted 2009-05-02 1:38 AM (#292467 - in reply to #292466)
Subject: Re: PSA-FS Historic 1718 (was mine, then Bowl Playing Boy... Now You)

September 2006
Posts: 10777

Location: Keepin' It Weird in Portland, OR
Forget it!

It sold already... I someone here got it. (that didn't take long)

He still has it\'s brother the 1758 12-stringer for sale...
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