OT: Random Friday night musings
Posted 2006-11-03 10:24 PM (#233205)
Subject: OT: Random Friday night musings

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
It's 3 NOV and I just saw back to back commercials featuring Christmas music. While the period between Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day (exclusive) is my second favorite time of year, I think it's too early for Christmas commercials. Maybe I'm being a curmudgeon.

I was listening to the remastered "Live at Leeds" today (work isn't work when it's fun, right?). I've never played bass guitar, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about, but...John Entwistle is the master of bass guitar. Half the time it sounds like he's playing lead on that thing.

If it's true that every cell in your body is replaced multiple times throughout your lifetime, what makes you, well, "you?" It seems to me our identity (the "I") must be separate and distinct from our physical body, then. I once read that 'we' (individually) are nothing more than a standing wave at the base of the brain. Maybe that's true.

And lastly, I'm fed up with politics, politicians, media, people who can't buy pants the right length telling me how to vote and why (yes, I do work with a guy that prompted this one...believe it or not, as his sideburns get longer, the inseam on his pants seems to be getting shorter), the local newspaper, the talking heads on the local news and my neighbor who hasn't sharpened the blade on his lawn mower in the four years I've lived here (his grass looks like shag carpet as a result). My neighbor doesn't talk politics, though, so he gets a bonus point for that. Why do those tele-survey people hang up when I start telling them what I think? It's almost like they don't really want to know.

Anyway, carry on. I'm going to go work on my 'From Four Until Late' thing again.
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Capo Guy
Posted 2006-11-04 7:02 AM (#233206 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

December 2004
Posts: 4394

Location: East Tennessee
Your right.

Too early for Christmas commercials.

They could have quit playing the political ads a long time ago.
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Posted 2006-11-04 8:17 AM (#233207 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
but...John Entwistle is the master of bass guitar. Half the time it sounds like he's playing lead on that thing.
I know it sounds like something right out of Spinal Tap, but Townshend has described John's style as "lead bass".
Remember.. back in the day...filing out of Cobo Hall after a great concert? At best the only souviner of the night would be from the cheap Kodak insta-matic you would sneak in. Well.. yesterday in the mail I got a DVD. A DVD of the entire WHO concert that I attended just a little over 4 weeks ago. Four camera coverage..every song and all the stage banter from first to last. Only $29.00. Cool, eh? The ultimate bootleg. And all the proceeds go to charity.
Also...I bought a CD for myself last night. It's very rare that I buy a CD anymore. It was "Endless Wire", the new WHO release. And for $9.99 I got one disc with 23 new songs, one disc with 7 songs from a concert back in July, and a third disc... a DVD with recent concert footage. That's what I call a value. Maybe the music industry is catching on that $22.00 for a CD just won't make it.
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Posted 2006-11-04 10:53 AM (#233208 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
when I walked into lowe's on oct 1st and saw them putting together christmas tress, i knew I was in trouble
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Posted 2006-11-04 11:03 AM (#233209 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

January 2005
Posts: 640

Location: boulder
yeah , I'm going to buy the endless wire today also. it is on sale for 9.99. The only two new CD's I have bought in years (really) are Jake shimbukaro (spelling??) and a ZZ top (just had to have it for my drive across country-can't explain it).
I also have never downloaded a song for free either. All my music listening is from radio stations or other peoples cd's. Damn, I'm old.....
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Posted 2006-11-04 10:11 PM (#233210 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
I haven't gotten 'Endless Wire.' Maybe some day. I did get Beck's new album (I think it's called, 'The Information') today, though. Mostly because my wife wanted it, although I do have all of his other stuff. Definitely not mainstream stuff, but I can appreciate it for what it is.

Random Saturday Night Musings:

If you watch local TeeVee here, you might come away with the impression that whether or not to have a hunting season for mourning doves is the biggest issue facing voters next week. WTF?

The Presbyterian church on the other side of town has a light in the top of their steeple. It's bright enough that I can see it from my family room, now that all the leaves are off the trees. It has a red avoidance light on the very top, which makes me wonder how tall it really is.

There was just a commercial on the TeeVee for Dawn dishwashing liquid. Apparently, for 25 years it's been the first choice of people who are cleaning oil spills off wildlife. They talked about the Exxon Valdez spill. This made me wonder (aloud) why there isn't a law requiring a tanker full of Dawn dishsoap to sail behind every oil tanker. That way, if there's a spill, they can dump the dishsoap and everything will be cool before any wildlife ever gets mucked up. My wife thinks I've lost my mind.

When I play my Elite (1868), certain notes/chords result in a jangly, metallic rattle that sounds like it's coming from the bridge area. I wonder if I'm just playing too hard, or if this is indicative of a problem.

The pinging rattle noise has made me wonder something about Ovations and strings. Everyone knows that heavier strings will (generally) make the top pump more, which usually results in better sound. But...were Os optimized for any given gauge of strings? Maybe they're *supposed* to be played with 10s? Dunno. Random musing mode is hereby complete. Carry on.
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Posted 2006-11-04 10:36 PM (#233211 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
Ladies and Gentlemen... I give you cruster...
Our very own Andy Rooney.
Did ya every wonder why there are 6 strings on a guitar?? Well I have and.....
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Posted 2006-11-04 11:26 PM (#233212 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
Hey, I did say they were *random* musings. At least I kept it sort of OT for the board with the stuff about Os and string gauge. ;)

But, uh, why *are* there six strings? :confused:
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FlicKreno aka Solid Top
Posted 2006-11-05 2:03 AM (#233213 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

April 2006
Posts: 2491

Location: Copenhagen Denmark
( Putting on my lecturing spectacles ) :cool: ..according to the company`s site " We Like 12 - 53 strings "...( Getting back to normal )..Luv the musing , after all, when we finally have found a " Muze " she tells us that we `re crazy ,so we might as well "Muse" ourselves :) I myself dreamed up the scenario of a " Clean Sweep Ship " accomodated by time-proven customs such as .." Walking the Plank ..Keel hauling..etc." but hey , I`ll let U have the credit :) as far as the Who Who ?? goes ,I remember being bewildered by them , for smashing that precious ( mucho expensive ) equipment ,but what performers they were/are , (have n`t seen them live for some decades )and the Bass ?!..any of U remember the old Hi-Fi systems,the suitcase thing with speaker in lid ,there was no bass whatsoever,exept when U played the WHO Yap..... Talkin` `bout My Generation ... Happy Jack ..U guys make me cry...Am gonna get that Bass - Heavy JUMBO ,...
Thanks Guys..feel a lot better now....Duh- Dum..Duh-Dum.. Happy Jack was n`t tall , but He was a man ........ :cool: ;)

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FlicKreno aka Solid Top
Posted 2006-11-05 2:06 AM (#233214 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

April 2006
Posts: 2491

Location: Copenhagen Denmark
...and He lived in the sands in the Isle o`Man.. :cool:
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Posted 2006-11-05 5:03 AM (#233215 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
ive got a heavy right hand...my folklore has the best set ive seen. it came that way when i bought it from mike. i belive it had adamas lights on it,i tend to play rather agressively and sometimes wne i would hit a random chord it will get a slight tinny ever so slight buzz from the bridge area. usualy from the 5th-6th strings..ive switched to elixer 13's and its got way more volume and sustain....i reckon ive just got too heavy ofa right hand..jason
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FlicKreno aka Solid Top
Posted 2006-11-05 6:18 AM (#233216 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

April 2006
Posts: 2491

Location: Copenhagen Denmark
Yeah , I`m contemplating on those ( Elixir NW 13 - 56 ) to "load up" my 1537 ,but for the last few weeks , I`ve got Thomastik Bronze 13 -57 on it , and I find that they sound better now than when they were put on ,round yet articulate bass ,punchy smooth mids, sweet&crystal highs ,seems as if ( Good )strings have to "open up" just like a Good Solid Top, anyone else who has experienced this "Phenomena" ?? :confused:

BTW getting closer to X-mas ,should n`t the string makers offer "GoodWill Packets" ,Like..oh ahdunno...buy 1 set & get a dozen for free.. ;)
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Posted 2006-11-05 6:37 AM (#233217 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
ive got 4 guitars that i play on average of 1 hour everyday,if i was realy wanting to do shit right they could use a change every 2 weeks but with the elixers i can get by on changing strings once a month....ive had a set of elixer's on my academy for going on 3 months now and they still sound fine......who knows!!!!!!!!!!! jason
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Posted 2006-11-05 9:50 AM (#233218 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
I've read on teh internets that the reason Elixir strings seem to last so long is that they come out of the box dead. :eek: I was using them until I switched to some phosphor bronze something or others. I think they sound 'better' (for certain values thereof).
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-05 1:05 PM (#233219 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Crusty, Ol'Boy...
.... to further confound your existential crisis
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Posted 2006-11-05 2:40 PM (#233220 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
Thanks, Jeffster, but there were too many big words in that page. Things like, "quantum" and "negligible" and "consciousness." Although, it reminds me of a funny pseudo-quote:

"What have you done to the cat? It looks half dead!" - Schroedinger's wife

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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-05 2:50 PM (#233221 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
I prefer not to open that box....
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Posted 2006-11-05 3:30 PM (#233222 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

October 2006
Posts: 15

Location: ny
The "I" in all of us is a series of 4 letters set up in a different order for each individual, dna, its like binary for computers. we are all computers.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-05 5:04 PM (#233223 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
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Posted 2006-11-05 8:50 PM (#233224 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
Part of John's sound was that he used a guitar preamp as part of his bass rig. I got to know him some hanging out at NAMM shows, quite a nice guy.
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FlicKreno aka Solid Top
Posted 2006-11-05 9:18 PM (#233225 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

April 2006
Posts: 2491

Location: Copenhagen Denmark
O`course, He`s a nice Bloke, He`s from "My Generation " :p Sure, many use them "step on" boxes,but way back when, "Happy Jack`s " pounding Bass was achieved by pulling the strings ,sort of like an archer would fire an arrow ,once at a show ( when Girls wore mini-skirts )I was at the front,shouting " break `em..break `em...( pertaining to his strings)..and He said ;..I`m tryin`..I`m tryin`..Ah..Good Old England ;)

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Posted 2006-11-11 10:19 PM (#233226 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
Tonight's random observation (yes, I know it's Saturday): Roy Rogers and the Delta Rhythm Kings...WOW! :eek:
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-11 10:28 PM (#233227 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
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Posted 2006-11-11 10:46 PM (#233228 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

May 2004
Posts: 2850

Location: Midland, MI
I like it, Jeff, so I'll give it an 8.5. It had a good beat and was easy to dance to.

Actually, it *is* good (IMHO). I found it to be reminiscent of String Cheese Incident and DaVinci's Notebook. We have family out in the SLC area, maybe I'll see if any of them have caught an OMJ show for a 'live' review.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-11 10:57 PM (#233229 - in reply to #233205)
Subject: Re: OT: Random Friday night musings

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
and for those who wish for a little LuZEEana slide, the aforementioned,
Roy Rogers & Delta Rhythm Kings

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