Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-07 3:37 PM (#232674)
Subject: VOTE!

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
You heard me.
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Posted 2006-11-07 3:51 PM (#232675 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

December 2003
Posts: 13992

Location: Upper Left USA
I sent in my Absentee Ballot last week so their Campaigning doesn't count...

I vote therefore I whine!
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Posted 2006-11-07 3:58 PM (#232676 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!
November 2004
Posts: 1374

we're counted....

if you don't vote, don't complain about it...

what woody said...

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Weaser P
Posted 2006-11-07 4:00 PM (#232677 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

October 2005
Posts: 5331

Location: Cicero, NY
Tuppy's voting.

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Posted 2006-11-07 4:04 PM (#232678 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

February 2005
Posts: 11840

Location: closely held secret
The only good thing about Oregon's vote-by-mail(fraud)... once they've received your secret ballot, you stop getting campaign calls...
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Posted 2006-11-07 4:31 PM (#232679 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

September 2004
Posts: 777

Location: East Wenatchee, WA
Originally posted by The Wabbit Formerly Known As Waskel:
The only good thing about Oregon's vote-by-mail(fraud)... once they've received your secret ballot, you stop getting campaign calls...
REALLY......Man I wish I had known that, I would have sent it in 30 seconds after receiving it.

Thanks for that piece of info.
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Posted 2006-11-07 4:33 PM (#232680 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

September 2004
Posts: 1180

Location: Vermont USA
I vote for who lies the least. It's not as easy as it sounds. Policiations sure like to spend money we could feed a lot of homeless people with what they spend. Should make them give 10% back to their state for fuel assitance.
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Joyful Noise
Posted 2006-11-07 4:45 PM (#232681 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

March 2004
Posts: 629

Location: Houston, Texas
I'm pissed. When I voted there were no boxes for 'None of the Above'.
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Posted 2006-11-07 4:55 PM (#232682 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

September 2006
Posts: 12

Location: Montreal
do you have a politician who play Ovation there?
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-07 5:02 PM (#232683 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
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Posted 2006-11-07 5:35 PM (#232684 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

November 2005
Posts: 4832

Location: Campbell River, British Columbia
I catagorically refuse!

No matter who you vote for, the government always
seems to win.

(psst, you can't vote in AMerica!)

Oh. Nevermind.
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Posted 2006-11-07 6:16 PM (#232685 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!
February 2004
Posts: 2487

Technically this is a political post. Good luck keeping it focused on the vote topic only! I know I will do my best to help keep it headed in the right direction.

So who'd ya vote for and why?
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-07 6:24 PM (#232686 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Just Vote.
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Posted 2006-11-07 6:28 PM (#232687 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

February 2005
Posts: 11840

Location: closely held secret
Originally posted by Jeff W.:
Just Vote.
Early and often! (the other benefit of vote-by-mail(fraud))!
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Brian T
Posted 2006-11-07 6:37 PM (#232688 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

May 2003
Posts: 425

Location: SE Michigan
My vote's in. I greatly look forward to an end to all the propaganda on TV and Radio.

Something new this year, I must have got at least two dozen phone calls stumpin' some candidate or cause, but they were all from MACHINES!! At least if a human calls I can give em a piece of my mind. That's probably why they use machines.

Remember that National do-not-call list thing? All my phone numbers are on it but the politicians exempted themselves from this law.
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Posted 2006-11-07 6:45 PM (#232689 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

November 2005
Posts: 4832

Location: Campbell River, British Columbia
When you pick up the phone and it sounds like an automatic dialer (maybe you'll just have a gut feeling) click the cutoff switch (assuming you have a landline with one) several times fast.

The machine will think you're number is another machine and kick you out of it's dial system.

I get vertually no telephone solicitors anymore.
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Posted 2006-11-07 6:45 PM (#232690 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
I voted at 8 am. we finally got the new computerized machines. we always had those old mechanical machines from the thirties. somehow I felt more confident with those.

please vote
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-07 6:46 PM (#232691 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
... Vote.
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Posted 2006-11-07 7:06 PM (#232692 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
Mrs. Slipkid & I made a special evening of it. Go out & vote... hit Mickey Ds. What a country!!!
Or is that kinda sad??? I dunno. :confused: :rolleyes:
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Weaser P
Posted 2006-11-07 8:43 PM (#232693 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

October 2005
Posts: 5331

Location: Cicero, NY
I always take my daughter with me and we always have the same discussion. It's a responsibility to educate yourself, form an opinion and then vote on it. There are many different perspectives and most are born out of reason even if they mutate into something totally different afterwards, so take it seriously.

Then, usually no matter who wins, keep your sense of humor handy.
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Captain Lovehandles
Posted 2006-11-07 8:44 PM (#232694 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

July 2005
Posts: 3410

Location: GA USA
Jeff, does "vote" mean "bump" in Cebuano?

BTW, I voted. I did vote for none of the above in one minor race. I just skipped it since I had no idea on the candidates.
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Posted 2006-11-07 9:19 PM (#232695 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

February 2002
Posts: 613

Location: Zion, Illinois
Originally posted by Captain_Lovehandles:
Jeff, does "vote" mean "bump" in Cebuano?

BTW, I voted. I did vote for none of the above in one minor race. I just skipped it since I had no idea on the candidates.
I asked my 'asawa' and she doesn't understand your question. She said that 'vote' is 'votar' and 'bump' is 'siko' or 'tokmad'. I tried to explain to her but got nowhere. Oh well.

Go out and 'votar', we did.
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Capo Guy
Posted 2006-11-07 9:27 PM (#232696 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

December 2004
Posts: 4394

Location: East Tennessee
Originally posted by Brian T:
My vote's in. I greatly look forward to an end to all the propaganda on TV and Radio.

Something new this year, I must have got at least two dozen phone calls stumpin' some candidate or cause, but they were all from MACHINES!! At least if a human calls I can give em a piece of my mind. That's probably why they use machines.

Remember that National do-not-call list thing? All my phone numbers are on it but the politicians exempted themselves from this law.
Tennessee has early voting so my wife and I voted last week.

P.S. It didn't stop the junk mail or phone calls. :confused: :mad: :confused:
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Posted 2006-11-07 10:28 PM (#232697 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

August 2002
Posts: 8307

Location: Tennessee
Mrs. Slipkid & I made a special evening of it. Go out & vote... hit Mickey Ds. What a country!!!
You're a glutton for punishment Brad ... back-to-back situations that make you want to puke.
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Posted 2006-11-07 10:32 PM (#232698 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

August 2002
Posts: 8307

Location: Tennessee
BTW, I did vote. We had some very interesting propositions and bond measures in California. The congressional race was the only one that my single vote really mattered. And I wrote myself in for one office ... I figured I could do the job far better than the crooked numbskull who was running unopposed.
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Posted 2006-11-07 10:47 PM (#232699 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
we voted this evening at 5pm...i did my part..jason
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Mark in Boise
Posted 2006-11-07 10:49 PM (#232700 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

March 2005
Posts: 12759

Location: Boise, Idaho
We are still small enough that I know some of the people running, even for national offices. Sometimes that's a bad thing when you know the candidate is a total moron, but he'll win anyway. A shame when a strong candidate can't win because he's from the "wrong" party.
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Joyful Noise
Posted 2006-11-08 12:51 AM (#232701 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

March 2004
Posts: 629

Location: Houston, Texas
Thanks for voting everyone. As a country we have to stop thinking about the next two years and start thinking about the next 20. Most of us will live that long and our kids much longer.
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Posted 2006-11-08 6:55 AM (#232702 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

September 2003
Posts: 9301

Location: south east Michigan
As a country we have to stop thinking about the next two years and start thinking about the next 20.
Bic lighters held high!!!
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Capo Guy
Posted 2006-11-08 7:59 AM (#232703 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

December 2004
Posts: 4394

Location: East Tennessee
Originally posted by stonebobbo:
BTW,And I wrote myself in for one office ... I figured I could do the job far better than the crooked numbskull who was running unopposed.
How True.
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Posted 2006-11-08 6:30 PM (#232704 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

December 2004
Posts: 1116

Location: Keller, TX
I did vote. However, with all the negative ads, campaign funding issues, dishonest politicians (redundant, I know) I seem to find that I usually end up picking between the evil of two lessers.
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Posted 2006-11-08 6:31 PM (#232705 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

June 2002
Posts: 1614

Location: Converse, Texas
"Stop with the negative waves, Moriarty..."
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Posted 2006-11-08 7:07 PM (#232706 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

December 2004
Posts: 1116

Location: Keller, TX
Except for you, Craig, of course. But I don't get a vote in Converse.
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Posted 2006-11-09 10:02 AM (#232707 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
We voted for the asshole who called us the least. Thank God this mess is finally over. Georgie got his message. Hopefully they'll spend the next two years actually trying to do something rather than get even for not being in power for the last six.
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Posted 2006-11-09 10:36 AM (#232708 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
(although if worse comes to worse, they'll just blame everything on Rumsfeld).
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Posted 2006-11-09 10:51 AM (#232709 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

December 2003
Posts: 13992

Location: Upper Left USA
Hey Craig!

Did the levy for the Epaulet Garden in the City Square or the Kim Keller Kiddy Park go through?

Do you have any more of your "Put a six string in every house" campaign buttons?

Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
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Posted 2006-11-09 10:52 AM (#232710 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

June 2002
Posts: 1614

Location: Converse, Texas
Sure... they all passed!

I have a couple of buttons left -- but epaulet is spelled wrong!
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Posted 2006-11-09 1:43 PM (#232711 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

February 2005
Posts: 1132

Location: Parrish, FL
My wife and I were all set to join the fun when my blood pressure went wacko. I spent Tuesday night in the hospital awaken every 4 hours by the vampires and the saddest with the blood pressure cuff. I can't understand why they weren't on the same 4 hour schedule! :rolleyes:

Anyway, after the whole battery of test, NADDA! I'm healthy as a (overweight) horse. I need to lose 30 lbs, eat healthier, and get a job with less stress.

It should be along winter! :(
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Posted 2006-11-09 2:08 PM (#232712 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
". . I can't understand why they weren't on the same 4 hour schedule! . ."
Vampires and Sadists have different Unions.

". . lose 30 lbs, eat healthier, and get a job with less stress . ."
Where do I mail you my co-pay check?? . . you're telling me what my doctor's been telling me for years, now.

Of course, when I ask him if (when I get the less-stressful job - with little/no MedInsurance) if he'll give me a discount on his fees . . .

- I get no response.

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Posted 2006-11-09 2:12 PM (#232713 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

January 2006
Posts: 5881

Location: Colorado Rocky Mountains
Voting afterthought:

In Denver, the city officials had a really great idea this year . . . cut back on the number of precincts from 300 to 55, use laptops with the entire Denver registered voter list (millions) in the database so anybody could vote anywhere, and then staff it with folks who never used a computer before. I stood in line for 2.5 hours. The two guys behind be kept running over to the market and bringing back six-packs. By the time we got to the front door, one was passed out and the other was so hammered that they wouldn't let him in (at least not while I was there). My neighbor thought he'd show up just before closing and avoid the rush. He was in line for five hours. I understand we made the national news.
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Posted 2006-11-09 2:15 PM (#232714 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
Anybody remember when bars used t'be closed on ElectionDay??
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Weaser P
Posted 2006-11-09 2:19 PM (#232715 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

October 2005
Posts: 5331

Location: Cicero, NY
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Posted 2006-11-09 2:27 PM (#232716 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

December 2001
Posts: 10583

Location: NJ
Originally posted by cliff:
Anybody remember when bars used t'be closed on ElectionDay??
yes now it depends on your state.
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Posted 2006-11-09 2:31 PM (#232717 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

January 2002
Posts: 14127

Location: 6 String Ranch
The early voting is a great thing. Did it a week early and there was no line or anything. All computerized, it's no fun with out cahds. Of course leave it to Broward county to figger out how to f@#k it all up.
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Posted 2006-11-09 2:38 PM (#232718 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
Actually, Ms. Harris is doing the re-count(surprise,surprise) in Sarasota . . .

They used t'close the bars (and liquor stores too, I believe) years ago, to curtail politcal henchmen from "buying votes" by plying people with free alcohol . . .

Sh!t! . . with the choices that I had THIS year, . . I'da been up for any & all bidders! . . .
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Posted 2006-11-09 6:26 PM (#232719 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

January 2005
Posts: 4903

Location: Phoenix AZ
AZ congressional seat is a mess. Incumbent (republican) is 5000 votes behind with 1 million votes uncounted. The dem wants him to conceed. I think they should just go out back and blow each others brains out.

Once again this year, I did NOT vote and I'm damn proud of it. These bastards run such negative, vile campaigns, they call my house with pre-recorded slander messages, they plaster my neighborhood with eye polluting billboards. It just makes me sick. There's not a god damn one of them worthy of my vote. Unfortunately I was too lazy to repeat one of my other tactics, which is to write myself in for every single position on the ballot. I've done it before.

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Posted 2006-11-09 6:58 PM (#232720 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

December 2003
Posts: 13992

Location: Upper Left USA
I'd vote for you Dave.

Send me your AZ absentee Ballot next go around!
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-09 7:04 PM (#232721 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
I'm curious about Witko's Platform...
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Posted 2006-11-09 7:10 PM (#232722 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

March 2002
Posts: 14842

Location: NJ
I think he calls it a "Patio" . .
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Posted 2006-11-09 7:21 PM (#232723 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

November 2005
Posts: 4832

Location: Campbell River, British Columbia
I don't understand why you folks have such trouble with your elections...where so many seem to have difficulty understanding what's going on.

It's that revolution thing. Once you ran away from the stability of the monarchy the political evolution was all down hill. (Even if the Declaration of Independence is a beautiful piece of democratic poetry. Most of your citizens don't understand it...including certain people in high places.)

Call in John Cleese for the solution: Revocation of Independence
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-11-09 7:26 PM (#232724 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Cliff, I think you spelled that wrong...
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Weaser P
Posted 2006-11-09 8:57 PM (#232725 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

October 2005
Posts: 5331

Location: Cicero, NY
He'd have my vote if he promised a uke in every pot.
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Posted 2006-11-09 9:08 PM (#232726 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

August 2006
Posts: 3145

Location: Marlton, NJ
I thought the calls that I got appealing to my "italian-american" heritage asking me to vote for an irishman. I got calls from Joe Piscopo, Rocky Marciano, my uncle Guido and the ghost of Frank Sinatra...

I'm just pissed that no one called appealing to my Czechoslovakian-american heritage. I might have listened to those.

Yeah.. I'm glad it's over.
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Capo Guy
Posted 2006-11-09 9:17 PM (#232727 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

December 2004
Posts: 4394

Location: East Tennessee
Originally posted by CrimsonLake:

Yeah.. I'm glad it's over.
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Posted 2006-11-09 10:06 PM (#232728 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

August 2002
Posts: 8307

Location: Tennessee
I think they should just go out back and blow each others brains out.
Ah, yes. It is high time to get back to the true intent of the original framers of our constitution ... especially Hamilton and Burr. I could see that one being replayed quite nicely by Webb and Allen.
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Posted 2006-11-09 11:03 PM (#232729 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

August 2006
Posts: 2804

Location: ranson,wva
we had a irishman running...i wonder who got my jason
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Posted 2006-11-10 8:13 AM (#232730 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

August 2005
Posts: 3736

Location: Sunshine State, Australia
I thought politics were off limits?
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Posted 2006-11-10 3:08 PM (#232731 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

November 2005
Posts: 4832

Location: Campbell River, British Columbia long as there's no arguement, per se...?

Everyone seems to be playing nice at the moment, and the moment's passed.
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Posted 2006-11-10 4:37 PM (#232732 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

May 2003
Posts: 4389

Location: Capital District, NY, USA Minor Outlying Islands
That's the thing I'm fearful of, the poll workers are nice, but I have very little faith in their abilities dealing with an ATM voting machine. I look at them (the poll workers) and I look into their eyes and I feel like I'm talking to fish. You can't get angry with a fish, but the conversation is limited.

God save New York when those things (ATM voting machines) come here.
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Weaser P
Posted 2006-11-11 5:08 PM (#232733 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

October 2005
Posts: 5331

Location: Cicero, NY
In a final note, I know Florida (aka God's Waiting Room) has a history of these things but exactly what is it about a vote that turns that state crazy ?
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Posted 2006-11-11 9:16 PM (#232734 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

November 2006
Posts: 12

Location: n.e. missouri
i did vote... in a most profound way

life is sweet
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Posted 2006-11-11 9:18 PM (#232735 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

November 2006
Posts: 12

Location: n.e. missouri
i did a most profound way

life is sweet
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Posted 2006-11-11 9:54 PM (#232736 - in reply to #232674)
Subject: Re: VOTE!

January 2005
Posts: 4903

Location: Phoenix AZ

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