Matrix Model 1137
Posted 2006-11-11 4:26 AM (#232170)
Subject: Matrix Model 1137

November 2006
Posts: 2

Location: australia
Hey all!

I was just thinking to myself that i should buy another steel string acoustic guitar when it dawned one me that my uncle gave me one YEARS ago...It's been packed away under the house and I'd practically forgotton about it until just now!

Basically, it's a Matrix 1137 (serial no. 13567) and i was just wondering about what year it might be from, anyone else have any good/bad experiences with one? and any other info you guys may know! Cheers!!
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Mark in Boise
Posted 2006-11-11 12:09 PM (#232171 - in reply to #232170)
Subject: Re: Matrix Model 1137

March 2005
Posts: 12759

Location: Boise, Idaho
Check the reference section to the left or go to the Ovation site and look at how to crack the Ovation code. The serial number will give you a year of manufacture.
I have a 30 year old 1132 Matrix that looks almost new. Do a search on this site for Matrix. There are a few threads. They were the entry level for USA made Ovations.
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Posted 2006-11-11 5:39 PM (#232172 - in reply to #232170)
Subject: Re: Matrix Model 1137

November 2006
Posts: 2

Location: australia
Thanks Mark :)
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