Need another opinion - Is this a good deal?
Posted 2006-12-13 6:21 PM (#226829)
Subject: Need another opinion - Is this a good deal?

September 2006
Posts: 347

Location: Reno, NV
What are your opinions on this guitar.

BC Rich NJ Mockingbird Classic.

at MF you can get the natural version for $349. $699 for the colored versions? Am I missing something, 1/2 off for natural. Is there some other reason its so cheap? Im one of those gusy that thinks you get what you pay for, but these were 699 earlier this year, I remember.

What are your opinions of the guitar itself. Is this a can't pass up deal?

BC Rich NJ Mock.. at MF - LINK
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Mr. Ovation
Posted 2006-12-13 6:26 PM (#226830 - in reply to #226829)
Subject: Re: Need another opinion - Is this a good deal?

December 2001
Posts: 7224

Location: The Great Pacific Northwest
It's not a bad guitar. Their imports now exceed their USA Shop in quality and consistancy, which is sad, but just a fact.

Check out The Shredder for the best info on anything B.C. Rich related.

I have a Platinum Bich, which other than the pickups, blew away any of the 2001-Present day USA models I have seen, owned or played. In fact, I no longer own any BC Rich USA guitars because of it. I'm waiting to be able to find a mint late 80's original Bich Supreme.
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