Koa top GC-1118
Jeff W.
Posted 2006-12-13 8:38 PM (#226805)
Subject: Koa top GC-1118

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
This guitar is the subject of a previous thread ('Mysterious GC-1118 on the bay')

I'm not representing this guitar in anyway, but have exchanged emails with the seller as a matter of curiosity. Could be an interesting history to an interesting guitar. I'm waiting for permission to post some email exchanges from the seller, so that we might sleuth about round here for more history on it...
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Stuart Miller
Posted 2006-12-13 8:59 PM (#226806 - in reply to #226805)
Subject: Re: Koa top GC-1118

August 2003
Posts: 430

Location: Lebanon, TN
So Jeff, you believe it is a genuine Koa topper? As I originated the Curious thread I still remain intrigued so any insights you have would be great.
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Jeff W.
Posted 2006-12-13 9:14 PM (#226807 - in reply to #226805)
Subject: Re: Koa top GC-1118

November 2003
Posts: 11039

Location: Earth·SolarSystem·LocalInterstellarCloud·Local Bub
Yes. He has taken it to a coupla shops and both told him it was Koa. He suggested it may have been done at the factory as the guitar was there for top crack repair... I'm still not convinced beyond reasonable doubt, but that's why I posted this. The seller seems to be on the up and up as he has maintained contact, asked astute questions and followed up on them. There is some other info he is reluctant to post because, he can't confirm at this point and I don't want to advance any of those. I hope he responses to my invitation to post... and he can expound.
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Weaser P
Posted 2006-12-13 9:20 PM (#226808 - in reply to #226805)
Subject: Re: Koa top GC-1118

October 2005
Posts: 5330

Location: Cicero, NY
Sounds fair enough...
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Joyful Noise
Posted 2006-12-13 10:34 PM (#226809 - in reply to #226805)
Subject: Re: Koa top GC-1118

March 2004
Posts: 629

Location: Houston, Texas
I checked out his location in Texas, but it's a little far for me to travel to check it out. It's up around the Austin area. Looks like a very nice guitar though. Not familiar with the country artist who owned it, but then country isn't my first love. The seller needs to chime in, the current price is probably way too low.
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